All roads lead home…

The journey home to DEFCON 30 for each of us is absolutely unique and special. Whether you grew up alongside the digital world, or you found a mirror to your feelings in cinema, television and music, or your passion for learning and curiously brought you to read every line of a novel, story, chat or blog post, we all share that HACKER spirit. What is a HACKER? Who is a HACKER? Am I a HACKER? Our hope is not draw lines, and barriers in defining HACKER, rather to remind us that HACKER is a culture, a feeling, a love and passion to explore and challenge ourselves. In simplest terms a HACKER can be seen as a solver of quests. As this our 30th year we reflect on our roots, where we have come, and what our future holds. But as with all things to a HACKER, another quest we will embark on, another puzzle to solve and another story to tell. With this preamble we invite you to play along with us our very unofficial DEFCON 30 LINECON CTF!